Friday, July 18, 2008

The Real Purpose of Life?

How do we define the phenomenon of our coming into existence? A mere coincidence? Did the entire universe come into being for no reason? Will the unjust and oppressors be left unpunished? How do we explain good and bad if there is no sense of accountability? The death is an actual transition to another dimension in which all realities of the universe will be brought infront of us and the absolute power and might of Allah(SWT) will be apparent then and not a single soul would be able to utter even a word without His permission. Our presence in this world is a small fraction of our real existence and infact is just a testing ground for us. Our souls are especially created by Allah(SWT) to last till eternity and hence our time in this world is just a very small period of our actual eternal life. The nature of our bodily existence will differ in the hereafter but our essence or soul will stay the same.

Not without purpose did We create heaven and earth and all between! that were the thought of Unbelievers! but woe to the Unbelievers because of the Fire (of Hell)! (Chapter 38 Sad:27)

Our real life is awaiting for us in the hereafter. The material life of this world is nothing but our test of what path we want to choose based on our free will. Not even a cell can come into existence without the permission of Allah let alone the concept that the creation of this entire universe and the beings it holds could exist due to a mere conincidence. If a person studies even a single cell, he would explore a complex mechanism housed within it. The intelligent design that a tiny cell has is a piece of evidence itself that there is a creator but most do not believe due to their ignorance. Even Darwin who proposed the theory of evolution didn't believe in it himself and is reported to have stated that the only purpose of his proposing that theory was to help him classify various types of birds on an island. Many try to put our entire existence in line for that mere theory which has been refuted repeatidely and is still just a theory even after many centuries and couldn't be recognized as fact by the scientific community. The real truth behind our existence, however, will be crystal clear to every individual as soon as they die.

The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things), Until ye visit the graves. But nay, ye soon shall know (the reality). Again, ye soon shall know! Nay, were ye to know with certainty of mind, (ye would beware!) Ye shall certainly see Hell-Fire! Again, ye shall see it with certainty of sight! Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!). (At-Takathur:1-8)

The wisdom behind the Quranic message is to recognize God and follow His guidelines. Islam preaches men to open their eyes, use their intellect for exploring the natural phenomenon and exploit them for the betterment of society. The west although has parted away from divine knowledge is following the second part to its fullest and hence gettings its fruit in this world as a result although they may have nothing to look forward to in the hereafter if they keep following their Godless approach as a whole.

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